نحن رواد الابتكارات العلمية لإمدادكم بأفضل الحلول الجلدية باستخدام المكونات التي تتحملها البشرة بأفضل صورة.

What is Homosalate  ?
Homosalate is an organic sun filter (from carbon). This filter mainly absorbs UVB radiation, which is responsible for tanning but also for sunburn and skin cancer.
In our products, it appears in the list of ingredients on the packaging, under the name HOMOSALATE.
What is it  used for in our products ?
We use homosalate in our sunscreen products in combination with all other sunscreens. This sun filter is a very good solvent for other filters, thus limiting the use of other oily compounds and limiting the greasiness and stickiness of products.
Homosalate is authorised worldwide. It is biodegradable, does not bioaccumulate and has no known aquatic toxicity. Its favourable environmental profile is confirmed by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
As with all our products, those containing homosalate are systematically subjected to a strict evaluation of their quality and safety for the consumer. This is a fundamental principle that we apply throughout the world.
Where does it  come from ?
Homosalate is a synthetic organic compound (based on carbon, oxygen and hydrogen) that absorbs UV rays.
Why is it  questioned ?
Homosalate is suspected of being an endocrine disruptor for humans and aquatic wildlife.
The Facts
- Under the European Cosmetics Regulation, the European Commission has identified 28 substances suspected of being endocrine disruptors. The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) is responsible for examining their possible endocrine activity that is harmful to consumer safety. A first group of 14 substances will be treated as a priority in 2020. Homosalate is part of this first group. According to the World Health Organization (WHO). definition, homosalate is not an endocrine disrupter.
- Available scientific data do not show any endocrine disruption effect of homosalate on aquatic fauna.
Why is it  used ?

نحن العلامة رقم 1 للعناية بالبشرة
والموصى بها من أطباء الجلد عالمياً
استقصاء متعلق بسوق مستحضرات التجميل نفذته شركة IQVIA وشركاء آخرون
(TNS و IPSOS) بين نوفمبر 2018 ويوليو 2019 بين
أطباء الجلد في 43 دولة تمثل أكثر من 80% من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي العالمي